Starting a business is a huge milestone and it always comes with many challenges during its early stages. When it comes to ERP systems, every business often tends to opt for the cheapest business management solution. For instance, during the initial stage, a business may choose Microsoft Excel to manually operate its entire business on spreadsheets. But as the company grows, the business then starts to look into alternatives to replace their spreadsheet-based business management system as it becomes difficult to log in to every activity of a growing business. These alternatives can be QuickBooks or FreshBooks etc. Later on, you can see your business adding additional management systems to better manage their CRM, Project Management, Ecommerce activities etc. as solutions like QuickBooks/FreshBooks do not come with the above-mentioned functionalities.
However, such an approach leads to many problems which can hinder the productivity of your company. Problems like duplicate data entry, mismanaged roles, lack of visibility, lack of project management control etc. are just some crucial issues that businesses with multiple management solutions face. In the ERP sector, this type of solution is regarded as a “hairball solution” as every system operates on its own with little to no system integrations.
When companies think that they do not qualify for an ERP system yet, we like to ask 3 basic questions to gauge the need for an ERP system.
If you answered YES to any of the 2 questions above, it’s time to look into a holistic ERP solution like NetSuite.
Many companies try to avoid an ERP system for its implementation cost. So, they opt for multiple small business management solutions that are specific to each department. However, every system has its licensing fee, maintenance fee and integrations fee among more. This collection of multiple management systems, therefore, tends to become a costly alternative to an ERP system like NetSuite.
When businesses opt for NetSuite in the beginning, they get a system that stays UpToDate and can handle every business department from NetSuite itself. So, say goodbye to multiple management systems, broken integrations and costly IT maintenance costs.
Unlike many other ERP systems which generally need to be purchased in full, NetSuite in contradiction operates on a pay-for-what you need basis. What this means is that companies can opt for modules they might need in specific which keeps the implementation costs far cheaper than any other ERP system. As your company grows, you can keep adding additional modules and functionalities as required.
Such an approach helps to create a concrete foundation that eliminates the need for additional 3rd party applications.