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A Better Alternative To Magento- NetSuite SuiteCommerce – A complete eCommerce Solution

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The eCommerce landscape is constantly growing and adapting to new business practices and new products. Factors such as growing high-volume online stores and improving customer experiences demand a management system that can be sustainable in this ever-changing industry. For years, Magento has been one of the industry favourites, due to its functionality and pricing bracket. However, the latest version released has not been well received by users. Software functionality is crucial for eCommerce business’s to succeed which is why many original Magento users are now looking for a change with their eCommerce platforms and are exploring options that offer a broader look into their cloud infrastructure. NetSuite’s eCommerce cloud solution, SuiteCommerce has begun to capture the attention of those on the market for a new eCommerce platform. Below we will go in-depth on the major differences and why SuiteCommerce should be implemented to your organization’s eCommerce site.


Magento vs NetSuite SuiteCommerce

Although similar, there are major differences in Magento and SuiteCommerce, mainly in the features they provide. Magento is one of the world-leading eCommerce solutions which provides almost all the needed features, such as order fulfillment, shopping cart management, website management, and additional features in the digital marketing spectrum. While Magento solely focuses on eCommerce management, NetSuite’s eCommerce solution SuiteCommerce has the capability to provide that and more. Features such as direct integration with ERP, POS, CRM, and inventory & warehouse management, all in one single platform.

Magento vs SuiteCommerce – User Experience

When doing a comparison between Magento and SuiteCommerce, user experience is the most distinct. What Magento lacks is the consistency that SuiteCommerce provides. Magento’s infrastructure requires more upkeep, such as major upgrades and regular maintenance. All the frequent required updates can add up totalling additional operational costs than transferring systems. Although Magento has significant troubleshooting needs it also has many plug-ins available allowing for some versatility. In comparison, SuiteCommerce, offers a more seamless experience, especially when integrating other components such as ERP, POS, and CRM functions. By implementing SuiteCommerce, maintenance is less required as its updates are backward compatible.

Magento vs NetSuite SuiteCommerce – Scalability

As previously mentioned, companies look for systems that can sustain their eCommerce growth, both from online traffic and business growth. A system must hold the capacity to grow its teams, products, orders, and processes. An example that can be considered is, expanding into different countries and whether the system can function in the countries home language. Magento does offer varying different business applications and plug-ins that you may use but SuiteCommerce offers easier adaptability because it is able to manage future ventures such as overseas growth making it the software powerhouse in the market.

Upgrade your E-commerce software solution with NetSuite

As mentioned before, NetSuite software is an all-in-one business management software. NetSuite offers 3 solutions for E-commerce management. As a side note please note that these solutions are not sold individually but have to be opted along with NetSuite ERP. Another benefit of NetSuite E-commerce is that it can be easily integrated with your NetSuite ERP and CRM.
Similarly, many other departments can be automated with NetSuite which ultimately increases the productivity and efficiency of your company.

What is NetSuite SuiteCommerce Builder

SuiteBuilder is one of NetSuite’s oldest E-commerce product that was developed over 10 years ago. Today, SuiteBuilder is available for licensing, however it is not recommended to implement it due to its limited functionality.

What is NetSuite SuiteCommerce Standard

SuiteCommerce Standard was developed to replace NetSuite’s SuiteCommerce Builder. SuiteCommerce Standard utilizes a template-based approach to make it easy for the end-user to make adjustments in their E-commerce. If your company has a simple product inventory with manageable inventory levels that aren’t too complex along with an easy checkout process, the SuiteCommerce Standard Solution is the probably the way to go.

What is NetSuite SuiteCommerce Advanced

NetSuite Suitecommerce Advanced is NetSuite’s E-commerce solution for businesses operating in multi-channels like in-store shopping, E-commerce etc. The SuiteCommerce Advanced solution can easily operate with multiple brands, establish matrix items, in multi-language and currency from a single platform itself! Companies can even customize their shopping and checkout experience with SuiteCommerce Advanced.

ERP Buddies always recommends the SuiteCommerce Standard edition for startups and small businesses as it’s easy on the cost and allows for an easy template-based approach that fits the true omnichannel needs of almost every company. NetSuite e-commerce also provides custom integration capabilities. To get a complete view, we encourage you to talk to our experts who can explain which edition can best fit your needs.

The Verdict: Magento vs NetSuite SuiteCommerce

Although Magento has a well-respected reputation in the past, new factors have come up with its latest updates that have made their original customers reconsider. Omnichannels require intuitive systems that can withhold future growth, offer integration, and manage a business ecosystem requiring an all-in-one solution. These points are the reason why we believe that NetSuite’s SuiteCommerce is the tool for eCommerce that everyone must implement for seamless integration. For more information about NetSuite’s eCommerce platform inquire within our expert team at ERP Buddies, cloud providers for a stronger community presence.